Sialic acid (SA, CAS No.: 131-48-6), is also known as N-acetylneuraminic acid, and a key component of human milk oligosaccharides contained in human milk and nervous tissue. Sialic acid is thought to be a conditioned nutrient during rapid brain growth, affecting early learning behavior and gene expression.
The main function of sialic acid
Sialic acid primarily promotes brain development and cognitive function, but it has many other beneficial effects:
1. Sialic acid can effectively promote the development and functional repair of nerve cells, epithelial cells and immune cells, thereby improving immunity.
2. Sialic acid can further modulate the immune system in multiple ways through siglecs (sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-type lectins) and affect antibody-mediated pathogen clearance through complement activation.
3. Sialic acid also acts against influenza through sialylation of antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA), which interferes with the cell surface attachment of influenza A virus and results in the mediation of IgA antiviral activity.
4. Sialylation of IgA also acts as an anti-inflammatory and has been used for decades as a treatment for many autoimmune 4. diseases.
Sialic acid is also a natural MMP-1 inhibitor. By reducing the expression and activity of MMP-1, sialic acid can restore senescent cells to a normal state and maintain cellular stability. This critically reduces the rate of cell decline and extends the lifespan of skin cells, an important part of preventing the signs of aging.
How much sialic acid needs to be taken to work?
Although there have not been any definitive studies in humans, there is one study that can determine an approximate human equivalent dose range based on studies in piglets. In a 2007 study, variable doses from 40 mg/kg to 240 mg/kg body weight were shown to increase cognitive function in piglets. Therefore, it can be assumed that the human equivalent dose is about 38 mg/kg to 227 mg/kg body weight, or about 2.85 grams to 17 grams for a 75 kg person. However, until these doses are confirmed through human studies, there is no established effective dose.
When is the right time to take sialic acid?
Bilişsel işlevi iyileştirme yeteneği nedeniyle, siyalik asidin en iyi şekilde zihinsel olarak zorlu bir görevden önce veya bilişsel gelişim gerekmeden önce alındığını varsaymak güvenlidir. Antrenmandan önce, sabah ilk iş olarak veya zihinsel olarak yoğun bir göreve başlamadan önce almak en iyisidir.
Siyalik asidin çalışması ne kadar sürer?
Siyalik asidin anlık etkisi teorik olarak tüketildikten 15-30 dakika sonra ortaya çıkmaya başlar. Etkili dozlarda sialik asit aldıktan sonra zihinsel netlik, zihinsel uyanıklık, bilişsel işlev, konsantre olma yeteneği ve ruh hali iyileşir.
Biz Sinoway, size rekabetçi fiyatlarla yüksek kaliteli S-adenosil-L-metiyonin sağlayabiliriz . Ayrıca API, farmasötik ara ürünler, kozmetik hammaddeleri ve sağlık ve gıda takviyesi bileşenleri geliştirme ve üretme konusunda uzmanlaşmış profesyonel bir ekibimiz var. Lütfen adresinden bizimle iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin.